torsdag 18 februari 2010

Citat av Lillen

Paul Theroux, the great travel-writer and novelist, calls it the ‘awkward question;’ when an innocent adventurer, back from some hell-hole, gets asked ‘why?’ at a cocktail party, or on the street. Fighters and adventurers will go to great lengths to avoid answering.

Theroux stuck it to Gerard d’Aboville, about rowing a small boat across the Pacific in 1993, with “enormous personal risk.” Gerard resisted the question, and then Theroux recounts the answer:

“Only an animal does useful things,” he said at last, after a long silence. “An animal gets food, finds a place to sleep, tries to keep comfortable. But I wanted to do something that was not useful, not like an animal at all. Something only a human being would do.”

Taget från Jonas Crambys blogg på

Ps. Ring mig när du ser detta inlägg Apan. Så översätter jag åt dig och byter ut de svåra orden till såna som du förstår. Allt för dig vännen, du är speciell, det ska gudarna veta! Ds.

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